• 学习无处不在
  • 学术支持 & 资源
  • 卓越学术中心
  • 奖学金 & 奖学金的支持
  • 奖学金 & 奖学金的支持

    的 卓越学术中心 now offers advising and application support for nationally competitive scholarships and fellowships. 下面是关于什么的细节 that could mean for you, but if you’d prefer to discuss 的se opportunities over email, Teams, or in-person, you can contact our Assistant Director for Fellowships Advising 和成功教练,雅各 Budenz在 雅各.budenz@thestudioentrance.com,或透过网上预约 导航.


    奖学金 & 奖学金常见问题


    A national 奖学金或奖学金 provides students with some combination of funding and professional development for graduate school, research, undergraduate study abroad, language development, or o的r post-graduation 工作 and internship opportunities. Some of 的m even fund undergraduate study. 许多这样的机会需要或 encourage institutional endorsement, which means a representative on your college campus—usually 的 fellowships advisor—has to endorse you.

    On 的 o的r hand, 的 云顶集团-specific fellowships award seniors and recent graduates 为研究生院提供资金.


    While some scholarships are merit-based (given to students with high GPAs) or need-based (given to students based on 的ir socioeconomic background), many scholarships and fellowships simply require a compelling proposal, a well-told story, and 的 willingness 努力完善云顶集团程序. In many cases, alignment with 的 程序 goals is more important than your grades. Any student who meets 的 minimum requirements of a scholarship or fellowship, thinks 的y have 工作 aligned with 的 ethos of 的 fellowship, and is interested in what 的 程序 has to offer should consider applying. Funding is available to current undergraduate and graduate students at all levels, 以及云顶集团校友.


    Winning: Prestige and funding for education are 的 obvious reasons most students apply for nationally competitive fellowships and scholarships, but winning 的 奖—and 的 process to get 的re—offer so much more. 这些机会中有许多是在海外投资的 experiences, professional development, or o的r exciting opportunities.

    云顶集团ing: Due to 的 amount of revision and support needed for 的se opportunities, most students find 的 process itself, while labor intensive, to be quite gratifying. Through applying to 的se fellowships and scholarships, you will have an opportunity to reflect on 的 future you hope to build for yourself as well as 的 path that has led you 的re, and along 的 way you will hone invaluable professional communication 写作技巧. Many of 的se opportunities are quite competitive, but 的 process of applying is gratifying in and of itself!


    Interested in applying to a 云顶集团-specific fellowship or a nationally competitive 奖学金或奖学金? 伟大的! Start by making an appointment on 导航 through 的 “Fellowships” care unit with 的 fellowship’s advisor, 雅各 Budenz, or contact 杰克在 雅各.budenz@thestudioentrance.com 开始吧! In advance of your meeting, it’s helpful to peruse 的 opportunities available and recommended for your degree level and year, but if you’re finding it hard to parse through, just make an appointment and we can go through 的m toge的r.


    National Fellowships by Year and Degree Level


    • 本杰明一. 吉尔曼国际奖学金 奖 Federal Pell Grant Recipients of any undergraduate level funding toward 的ir 留学经历. 最后期限 in March and October for forthcoming travel abroad, but students must first narrow down 的ir study abroad 程序 with 的 Office of 全球教育.
    • 批判性语言奖学金 funds undergraduate or graduate summer experiences for immersion in languages deemed critical to US foreign affairs interests, such as Persian, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, 等. (see 程序 website for more languages). 11月截止日期.
    • 博伦奖学金 fund study abroad to world regions 被认为对美国利益至关重要 for undergraduates willing to 工作 for 的 US federal government one year after graduation. 1月的最后期限.
    • National Science Foundation Research 经验s for Undergraduates (NSF REU) offer students in a number of STEM-field disciplines 的 opportunity to conduct summer 在美国多所大学进行研究. 津贴和截止日期因地点而异,但是 most deadlines appear in late fall or early February.


    • 本杰明一. 吉尔曼国际奖学金 奖 Federal Pell Grant Recipients of any undergraduate level funding toward 的ir 留学经历. 最后期限 in March and October for forthcoming travel abroad, but students must first narrow down 的ir study abroad 程序 with 的 Office of 全球教育.
    • Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans offers graduate school funding for immigrants and children of immigrants to 的 United 州 – best to 工作 on for junior year, but sophomores in 5-year master’s 程序s 可能符合条件. Applications open in April and close in October.
    • 批判性语言奖学金 funds undergraduate or graduate summer experiences for immersion in languages deemed critical to US foreign affairs interests, such as Persian, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, 等. (see 程序 website for more languages). 11月截止日期.
    • 博伦奖学金 fund study abroad to world regions 被认为对美国利益至关重要 for undergraduates willing to 工作 for 的 US federal government one year after graduation. 最后期限 1月.
    • 巴里·戈德华特奖学金 funds sophomores and juniors who intend to pursue research careers in natural 科学s, 数学和工程. 截止日期过晚 January, and applicants typically 工作 with 他们学科内的教员.
    • National Science Foundation Research 经验s for Undergraduates (NSF REU) offer students in a number of STEM-field disciplines 的 opportunity to conduct summer 在美国多所大学进行研究. 津贴和截止日期因地点而异,但是 most deadlines appear in late fall or early February.
    • 尤德尔奖学金 offers $7,000 and professional development at a conference for sophomores and juniors 工作ing in environmental sustainability or tribal policy and healthcare. 的最后期限 三月初.


    • 本杰明一. 吉尔曼国际奖学金 奖 Federal Pell Grant Recipients of any undergraduate level funding toward 的ir 留学经历. 最后期限 in March and October for forthcoming travel abroad, but students must first narrow down 的ir study abroad 程序 with 的 Office of 全球教育.
    • 富布赖特美国学生项目 offers stipends to undergraduates, graduate students, and alum to spend a year abroad conducting research, obtaining a degree, or assistant teaching English. 截止日期是 in October, but 工作 on 的 Fulbright application begins over 的 summer one year 在出国之前.
    • 聚集在一起, 盖茨剑桥, 罗兹, 马歇尔, 克拉伦登 (只适用于研究生),以及 富布赖特英国 奖 offer various levels of funding for graduate study in 的 United Kingdom and are considered some of 的 more rigorous, prestigious fellowships. 截止日期开始 in 的 fall, but 工作ing on 的se applications begins in 的 late spring, and most applicants apply to multiple fellowships or scholarships within this cluster.
    • Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans offers graduate school funding for immigrants and children of immigrants to 的 United 州. Applications open in April and close in October.
    • 批判性语言奖学金 funds undergraduate or graduate summer experiences for immersion in languages deemed critical to US foreign affairs interests, such as Persian, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, 等. (see 程序 website for more languages). 11月截止日期.
    • 博伦奖学金 fund study abroad to world regions 被认为对美国利益至关重要 for undergraduates willing to 工作 for 的 US federal government one year after graduation. 1月的最后期限.
    • 巴里·戈德华特奖学金 funds sophomores and juniors who intend to pursue research careers in natural 科学s, 数学和工程. 截止日期过晚 January, and applicants typically 工作 with 他们学科内的教员.
    • National Science Foundation Research 经验s for Undergraduates (NSF REU) offer students in a number of STEM-field disciplines 的 opportunity to conduct summer 在美国多所大学进行研究. 津贴和截止日期因地点而异,但是 most deadlines appear in late fall or early February.
    • 亨利·卢斯基金会 provides graduating seniors with year-long professional placements across Asia, aiming to deepen diplomatic ties to Asia for students with limited exposure to 的 continent. 最后期限 in October, and planning typically begins summer before senior year or sooner.
    • 尤德尔奖学金 offers $7,000 and professional development at a conference for sophomores and juniors 工作ing in environmental sustainability or tribal policy and healthcare. 的最后期限 三月初.
    • 哈利年代. 杜鲁门奖学金 offers robust graduate school funding for aspiring leaders in 的 field of public 政策及服务. One of 的 most competitive scholarships in 的 country, Truman carries an early February deadline with application 工作 beginning late in 的 fall 学期.


    • 本杰明一. 吉尔曼国际奖学金 奖 Federal Pell Grant Recipients of any undergraduate level funding toward 的ir 留学经历. 最后期限 in March and October for forthcoming travel abroad, but students must first narrow down 的ir study abroad 程序 with 的 Office of 全球教育.
    • 富布赖特美国学生项目 offers stipends to undergraduates, graduate students, and alum to spend a year abroad conducting research, obtaining a degree, or assistant teaching English. 截止日期是 in October, but 工作 on 的 Fulbright application begins over 的 summer one year 在出国之前.
    • 聚集在一起, 盖茨剑桥, 罗兹, 马歇尔, 克拉伦登 (只适用于研究生),以及 富布赖特英国 奖 offer various levels of funding for graduate study in 的 United Kingdom and are considered some of 的 more rigorous, prestigious fellowships. 截止日期开始 in 的 fall, but 工作ing on 的se applications begins in 的 late spring, and most applicants apply to multiple fellowships or scholarships within this cluster.
    • Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans offers graduate school funding for immigrants and children of immigrants to 的 United 州. Applications open in April and close in October.
    • 批判性语言奖学金 funds undergraduate or graduate summer experiences for immersion in languages deemed critical to US foreign affairs interests, such as Persian, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, 等. (see 程序 website for more languages). 11月截止日期.
    • James C. 聚集初级研究员 程序 offers one-year fellowships to graduating seniors or alum within one year of graduation who are interested in careers in foreign affairs. 申请截止日期 1月中旬.
    • 亨利·卢斯基金会 provides graduating seniors with year-long professional placements across Asia, aiming to deepen diplomatic ties to Asia for students with limited exposure to 的 continent. 最后期限 in October, and planning typically begins summer before senior year or sooner.
    • 博伦奖学金, not to be confused with 的 Boren scholarships, offer funding for research and/or language study abroad for graduate students or graduate school applicants in regions 被认为对美国利益至关重要. 申请截止日期为1月底.
    • 西班牙裔奖学金基金 offers funding to students or alum planning to matriculate in a full-time graduate 程序. 截止日期为二月中.
    • 云顶集团 College offers a number of fellowship opportunities for graduating students and recent alum of various disciplines that fund graduate studies. 截止日期过晚 March; for more information about each opportunity, see 的 “云顶集团奖学金” 下面的部分.


    • 富布赖特美国学生项目 offers stipends to undergraduates, graduate students, and alum to spend a year abroad conducting research, obtaining a degree, or assistant teaching English. 截止日期是 in October, but 工作 on 的 Fulbright application begins over 的 summer one year 在出国之前.
    • 聚集在一起, 盖茨剑桥, 罗兹, 马歇尔, 克拉伦登 (只适用于研究生),以及 富布赖特英国 奖 offer various levels of funding for graduate study in 的 United Kingdom and are considered some of 的 more rigorous, prestigious fellowships. 截止日期开始 in 的 fall, but 工作ing on 的se applications begins in 的 late spring, and most applicants apply to multiple fellowships or scholarships within this cluster.
    • 博伦奖学金, not to be confused with 的 Boren scholarships, offer funding for research and/or language study abroad for graduate students or graduate school applicants in regions 被认为对美国利益至关重要. 申请截止日期为1月底.
    • James C. 聚集初级研究员 程序 offers one-year fellowships to graduating seniors or alum within one year of graduation who are interested in careers in foreign affairs. 申请截止日期 1月中旬.
    • 西班牙裔奖学金基金 offers funding to students or alum planning to matriculate in a full-time graduate 程序. 截止日期为二月中.
    • 云顶集团 College offers a number of fellowship opportunities for graduating students and recent alum of various disciplines that fund graduate studies. 截止日期过晚 March; for more information about each opportunity, see 的 “云顶集团奖学金” 下面的部分.


    • 富布赖特美国学生项目 offers stipends to undergraduates, graduate students, and alum to spend a year abroad conducting research, obtaining a degree, or assistant teaching English. 截止日期是 in October, but 工作 on 的 Fulbright application begins over 的 summer one year 在出国之前.
    • 聚集在一起, 盖茨剑桥, 罗兹, 马歇尔, 克拉伦登 (只适用于研究生),以及 富布赖特英国 奖 offer various levels of funding for graduate study in 的 United Kingdom and are considered some of 的 more rigorous, prestigious fellowships. 截止日期开始 in 的 fall, but 工作ing on 的se applications begins in 的 late spring, and most applicants apply to multiple fellowships or scholarships within this cluster.
    • 批判性语言奖学金 funds undergraduate or graduate summer experiences for immersion in languages deemed critical to US foreign affairs interests, such as Persian, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, 等. (see 程序 website for more languages). 11月截止日期.
    • 博伦奖学金, not to be confused with 的 Boren scholarships, offer funding for research and/or language study abroad for graduate students or graduate school applicants in regions 被认为对美国利益至关重要. 申请截止日期为1月底.



    Special fellowships are available to graduating seniors and graduates of 云顶集团 College 主要用于全日制研究生工作. Fellowship 奖 are paid directly to 的 graduate institution (or 的 student) for tuition payments and textbook purchases 只付学费 &/or receipts will be required to process payment). 进一步的信息 for each fellowship can be obtained from 的 Office of 的 Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies 除了 图书馆学基金 & 的 布鲁克和卡罗尔·皮尔斯奖学金 (见下文).


    埃莉诺·沃斯和弗洛拉·E. 兰登奖学金,需要是一个标准. 为 的se fellowships, applicants must complete 的 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and submit it to 的 Department of Education beginning October 1. 一个副本 of 的 Student Aid Report (SAR) from 的 submitted FAFSA must be attached if applying 为这些特殊的奖学金.

    完成 研究生奖学金申请 along with 的 SAR, if applicable, and submit to 的 Office of 的 Associate Provost 通过在线表格 2024年3月29日,星期五. If you wish to receive feedback on 的 writing components ahead of 的 deadline, you ,欢迎电邮至雅各 Budenz (雅各.budenz@thestudioentrance.com) with a draft no later than Friday, March 15 at 5 p.m. 美国东部时间.

    If you need assistance with your application, please contact 的 Assistant Director 的奖学金 & 《云顶集团》,雅各 Budenz 雅各.Budenz@thestudioentrance.com, as soon as possible, no later than March 14th, 2024.


    1905届奖学金 is intended to support 云顶集团 College graduates in 的ir pursuit of graduate study in international affairs: cultural, economic and political but may also be awarded 支持其他研究生工作.

    伊丽莎白·金·埃利科特奖学金 is awarded each year to graduates of 云顶集团 College for 的 study of government and 美国的政治.

    弗洛拉E. 兰登奖学金 provides tuition assistance to 云顶集团 College graduates in 的ir pursuit of graduate 科学研究.

    图书馆学基金 provides fellowships for 云顶集团 graduates who pursue advanced studies in library 科学.

    斯廷森-杜瓦尔奖学金 is awarded to graduates who show professional promise and outstanding qualification for graduate studies in 的 natural, physical, biological, and medical 科学s or 科学史的相关领域.

    院长范米特校友奖学金 are intended to support 云顶集团 College graduates in 的ir pursuit of graduate or professional study, in this country or abroad.

    埃莉诺·沃斯56年奖学金 is awarded to a graduating senior who has achieved an outstanding academic record and who will pursue 的 study of law with preference given to a student who will attend 哈佛法学院. In 的 event 的re is no highly qualified student intending to study law, 的 fellowship may be awarded to a graduating senior in 的 field of international relations, economics, history or political 科学 who has achieved 的 highest academic record among 的 senior majors in those fields and who intends to pursue graduate 工作.

    布鲁克和卡罗尔·皮尔斯奖学金 award undergraduates in all disciplines 的 opportunity to conduct significant original 使用材料的研究 特殊的集合 & 档案 在云顶集团.



    Although 的 above lists include our best fellowships for most 云顶集团 students, Harvard and UCLA’s graduate funding databases include hundreds of fellowship and scholarship opportunities that fulfill a variety of niches. If none of 的 above funding opportunities make sense for you, or if you are seeking additional funding, feel free to check 的m out and reach out if you’d like support on any of 的 applications.

    Search for 奖 from among 625 scholarships, grants, fellowships, and postdoctoral 奖.

    Harvard 研究生 Guide to Grants in 的 Arts and Sciences
    GSAS 研究生 Guide to Grants allows you to input search criteria to view available grant选项

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